Sunday 11 January 2009

First time...

Ok so recently for my Art course i've been looking at Urban landscapes. I stumbled apob Banksy's work, i mean i've heard of him but never really seen his work. It inspired me.

So i made up my own stencil, a man (chest arms and head) with a tie and a '?' on his blank face. I made it up on CorelDraw (as im a graphics student too) then printed it and traced it on acitate (spelling?) then i cut out the appropriate parts with a craft knife thing.

Grabbing the torch, can of black paint and the stencil i slippe dout the backdoor and turned the light on in the log cabin at the end of the garden (my alibi if someone form my house came out) stupidly i left the gate open a bit so i could get back in quietly, but the fucking wind thoguth it'd bash the shit out of the gate just as i got the the end of the road. 'Ok' i thought, ' i'll just find a wall near and do a quick test there' so i did, gate banign all the time, then some old bitch comes out her house walking down the path, she'd eitehr seen my torch light )its proper dark in those alleyways) or she'd come out for something else and it was damn bad timing.

Anyway i finished spraying quick like, rippe doff the stencil, dropped the lid for the can, managed to pick it up with the torch but couldnt see the now black stencil in the dark so i ditched it for now.

got back in my garden, all the while i could hear the gate smashing the wall to shit and i was a road and a alley away. as i got in a see my mom in the kitchen so i drop the can in a bush, walk up to the log cabin and pretend to root around for something.

Looks like it worked 'cept i got bare amounts of black paint on my hands somehow, so i pretended to have a shit then wash my hands but its still kinda there. anyways i'll get a pic and my stencil back 2morro morning and put the pic on here for now i'll leave the stencil i drew on
CorelDraw here.

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